The moral consquences of believing your prayers may be answered

The combination of beliefs in the power of petitionary prayer - by which I mean the idea that God will sometimes answer requests to intervene by working miracles when he would not have done so had the prayer not been made - and the use of the word "good" to describe God is one that … Continue reading The moral consquences of believing your prayers may be answered

Making a living vs making a fortune as an author

Conjecture As the population grows in the future, it will become even harder to make a living as an author, but easier to become rich as one. Reasoning To a very rough approximation ignoring a bunch of factors, (total income of authors) = (number of people speaking language) x (money spent on books per capita) … Continue reading Making a living vs making a fortune as an author

No, it’s not a coup, but it’s still regrettable.

Some thoughts on the current political crisis: What people are angry about is not what they say they are angry about My suspicion is that what we're seeing is almost entirely anti-Brexit and anti-Boris protests, some of which find complaints against prorogation a useful line of attack. I think the number of people who care … Continue reading No, it’s not a coup, but it’s still regrettable.

Two points to highlight about Jo Brand’s “apology”.

Context Recently, on a comedy programme on the BBC, Jo Brand said “Certain unpleasant characters are being thrown to the fore and they’re very, very easy to hate and I’m kind of thinking, why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid” A lot of people, including me, thought that this was … Continue reading Two points to highlight about Jo Brand’s “apology”.

Why the censored version of Rocketman should not have been made.

Background "Rocketman" is a recently released biopic of Sir Elton John. John is gay, and in its original version the film contains a number of scenes of gay sex. But Russia has laws against "homosexual propaganda", and to comply with those laws a censored version of the film, with five minutes of sex scenes cut, … Continue reading Why the censored version of Rocketman should not have been made.